6 Ways Boating Benefits our Health

Written by Boatsetter Team
December 5, 2017

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Boatsetter Team

So, this is not a reason to get your wife’s permission to spend yet another weekend fishing with the guys or the perfect excuse to tell your boss you have the flu while you go snorkeling..err, well maybe those ideas are not too bad, considering the health benefits that are associated with boating! We have to look out for our own good health, don’t we? Check out this list of reasons boating is great for your health. Us, boaters, we already knew.

  1. Vitamin D & Fresh Air – Sunshine provides Vitamin D that promotes healthy bones and is medically proven to improve mood. However, so many of us spend the bulk of our days in the office, in the commute and in the rat race, that fresh air and the healthful aspects of sunshine truly become a rare commodity. Yes, of course, bring your sunscreen, sunburn should be avoided…but there’s a lot to be said for soaking up a few rays.
  2.  Unplug! Everything can wait; it really can! – In this digital age, it seems we can’t (or won’t) make a move without “checking in,” snapping a selfie, sending a text and staying in touch with the inbox. Chronic health problems such as stress, insomnia and depression have been linked to our lack of ability to power down. When you head out for your boat trip, it’s the perfect excuse to unplug even if it’s just for a few hours. Your doctor will no doubt agree. Now, repeat after me: “Sorry I missed your call. I was out on a boat charter all day!”
  3.  Quality Time with Family/Friends – One of the biggest factors contributing to your happiness in life and your overall well being relates to your social life. In fact, medical studies link strong social ties to longevity, healthier eating habits, less stress and much more. When you step off the dock slip out of your shoes and head out on a boat charter with your nearest and dearest, you just got happier. The time spent catching up while out on a boating adventure will surely generate some serious bonding.
  4.  Staying Active – It’s no secret that staying active is a serious contributor to good health. Unlike watching TV or playing video games, taking up boating as a hobby can help you lead an active and healthy lifestyle. From sailing excursions to swimming, snorkeling and waterskiing, boating is definitely a leisure activity that will keep you active.
  5.  Connect with Nature – Studies show that connecting with the great outdoors is another contributor to overall good health. Boaters can attest that there is no shortage of outdoor fun onboard a boat, whether feeling the invigorating wind catch the sail or hopping waves at full speed out on the blue ocean.
  6.  Feeding your passion – Having a passion contributes to your overall happiness which correlates to good health. Boating is that passion for many. Spending time out on the ocean fishing, snorkeling and watching sunsets quickly becomes a passion.

Now more than ever, boating is an option for everyone with the entrance of “boat sharing” in the marketplace. This new online option from companies like Boatsetter allow boaters with all levels of experience (including none at all) to easily book a charter that includes a captain and add a healthful and fun activity to their lives.

Looking for something to do this weekend? Go boating…it’s good for you!

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