Get More Boat Rental Requests…Upload Great Pictures!
Last Updated on January 14, 2022 by Boatsetter Team
It’s a no-brainer…if you want to get more boat rental requests for your boat listed for rent at Boatsetter, make sure it has great pictures! Seems so obvious, but even if that doesn’t convince you, we can prove it. Our stats show that 50% boat rental requests will come your way if you have good quality pictures of your boat on your boat profile.
A boat picture tells 1,000 words. (Better pics=More boat rental requests!)
Boat owners in the know are listing their boats for rent at Boatsetter and some are even getting free professional photo shoots! Andrew Fleischer who was recently considering selling his boat because he felt guilty about the recurring expenses and his lack of time to use the boat.
He stumbled upon Boatsetter and decided he’d give it a try. Now he has over six rentals under his belt, is staying in the boat ownership game and even qualified for a free photo shoot for his boat compliments of Boatsetter!
Check out some of the pics from “My Ark’s” Free Professional Photo Shoot along with tips on how to make your boat’s pictures ah-mazing too!
Include a nice “running” shot: This may take a friend standing back at the dock while you cruise away. This is an important photo of the exterior of the boat that renters will expect to see prior to submitting a rental request.
Include a compilation of interior shots: Renters want to know what the inside of your boat looks like! Be sure to include good pics of places where they’ll be spending their boat rental time.
Boatsetter, the #1 boat rental community, is where boat owners list their boats for rent with confidence that all the details are taken care of! All Boatsetter boat rentals include:
- The best available rental insurance for the boat, the boat’s owner and the renters.
- World-class customer service for support every step of the way.
- The option for the boat owner to require a US Coast Guard-licensed captain onboard all rentals.
- Boatsetter marketing working hard to drive traffic to your rental and help you earn more income!
List your boat today and find out if you are eligible for a free professional photo shoot for your boat

Boatsetter empowers people to explore with confidence by showing them a world of possibility on the water. Rent a boat, list your boat, or become a Boatsetter captain today.