Why Millennials Love Boat Sharing

Cost Effective Boating

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Boating once had a reputation for being an expensive hobby. It was a luxury that only the rich and famous could afford to enjoy. In 2016 that is no longer the case. The emergence of boat sharing companies like Boatsetter have made afternoon boat rides not only available, but affordable, to millennials, non-boaters and even boat owners who may be on vacation and away from their own vessel.

We don’t have to list the reasons that millennials love the water, it’s obvious isn’t it? Boatsetter is a tool that allows everyone – young and old – to enjoy their time on the water. Thirty-six percent of customers coming to Boatsetter are under the age of 34 and 58 percent of customers are under the age of 45. Since the founding of our company we’ve found that millennials love Boatsetter and boat sharing for the following reasons:

  • What was once out of reach is now attainable. You know that experience on your bucket list that you really want to do, but probably won’t because the cost associated with the activity is much too expensive? For many millennials that activity was a boat or yacht charter. It is human nature to relish and take joy in something you thought you would never experience.
  • It’s affordable. Millennials are in the early stages of their career, or just graduating college. Money is, no doubt, tight. While budgeting for fun and new experiences is nice, it isn’t always doable. Boat sharing is an affordable hobby, therefore boat sharing is a popular hobby.
  • It makes travel easy. Airplane tickets are expensive. Yacht and boat charters are an alternative to the most traditional form of traveling.
  • The platform is user-friendly. Boatsetter has a user friendly platform that allows you to quickly search for and reserve your boat rental. It’s intuitive, eliminating any frustration that you thought might be associated with renting a boat.
  • There is no risk. Boatsharing with Boatsetter is a risk-free experience. The boat rentals are 100 percent insured and when you’re cruising with a Boatsetter rental you have access to emergency tow services in the rare instance you need immediate assistance.

Why Boat Owning Millennials Love Boat Sharing

Although a large demand of boat seekers are millennials, there are also boat owners in the 25 to 35 year old age bracket who own a vessel and choose to rent it out for ride sharing purposes. Boatsetter makes the boat sharing experience for boat owners worry-free. We know it’s easy to imagine you will receive your boat back with a damaged hull, fish guts spewed all over the deck, or find holes in the bimini, but that’s not the case. That is just not the case at all. Boat owners choose to work with Boatsetter for the following reasons:

  • You retain control. It’s your boat, after all. You receive all the details of the charter and stay in the know regarding when the boat is being used, who is doing the renting and for how long. If requested, you are able to meet with the owner of the boat beforehand.
  • There is no risk. Boat sharing with Boatsetter is risk-free. Boat renters are pre-screened and you reserve the right to accept or reject any reservation. In the event of an accident you will receive the cash value of your boat and you can rest easy knowing that when your boat is in use Boatsetter affords a towing service, should an emergency arise.
  • A professional is driving. Many rentals include a captain, and sometimes crew. Every captain we work with is licensed by the United States Coast Guard.
  • You can make extra income. Your boat requires maintenance and a monthly payment regardless of whether or not you are using it. Renting out your boat can create some extra cash to offset the yearly maintenance charges.
  • Your boat gets exercise. We don’t have to tell you that a boat needs to run every once in awhile. An idle boat is no good. Boat renters keep your vessel running on a regular basis.

Connect with Boatsetter

Visit Boatsetter.com to review our policies for renting your boat and becoming a captain. You can also check out the thousands of boat rentals in our database. It’s easier than ever to take advantage of all the fun that can be had on the water. #JumpIn yourself and find out.

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