Lake Boating : Your Guide to Fun, Safety, and Adventure
Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by Boatsetter Team
Ready to hit the lake and have some waterborne fun? These lake boating tips will help make it happen.
Whether you’re on vacation, enjoying a long weekend, or just visiting for the day, spending time aboard a boat will make a visit to a lake — any lake — a whole lot more fun. News flash: you don’t have to torch your bank account by buying a boat to have all that fun, because in this day and age it’s easy and affordable to rent a boat on Boatsetter. Okay: ready to check out our tips list?
Make a List
Maybe that sounds redundant after we just said there was going to be a list, but seriously, make a list. Gather everyone who will be on the trip together and write down all the boating activities you think would be fun. Water skiing, wake surfing, fishing, picnicking in a quiet cove, zipping across the water at warp speeds, and so on. Then, you’ll have a much better idea of what sort of boat will fit the bill for the kind of fun you want to have. Many families will review the list and realize that a pontoon boat would be tops. Others may decide a sailboat rental would be the best pick. With everyone’s input put down on paper it will be a lot easier to make the right choice. Check out Types of Boats for Lakes to learn more about the different options.
Take a Safe Boating Course for a Secure Adventure
If you haven’t already, take a safe boating course. It may or may not be necessary to get a boating license in the state you’ll be visiting, but regardless it’s a good idea because U.S. Coast Guard statistics show that you’re almost twice as likely to have an accident if you have no safe boating education. If you don’t want or don’t have time to take a course, consider getting a captained rental.
Do Your Research
Do some research on the specific lake you’ll be boating in. Some lakes are shallow and running aground can be a common issue. Others are deep and subject to larger waves. And many have fluctuating water levels that can give rise to either of these issues. You may also discover the water temperature is cooler or hotter than you would have expected, there are areas with speed or activity restrictions, the lake could have subpar fishing, and so on. Checking it out ahead of time so you know what to expect is sure to lead to a better experience.
Utilize the Boatsetter Blog
Go to the Boatsetter blog, look for the “search posts” box at the top of the page, and type in keywords related to the lake you’re going to and the activities you plan on doing. We have tons of informative articles that you may want to check out. If you’re heading for Lake Meade, for example, you’ll discover our Lake Meade Boating Guide. If you think it would be fun to try wakeboarding, you’ll be happy to run across Wakeboarding Basic Tricks. We’ve been at this for a long time, people, so there’s a good chance that whatever you’re interested in finding out about, we’ve got you covered.
Stay Hydrated
Be prepared to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate when you’re out on the water. It seems counter-intuitive to worry about dehydration since you’ll have water all around you, but sunlight is reflected by the water and most boating adventures take place when it’s hot out in the first place. Packing a cooler full of water is key to having a good experience.
Sun Protection
About all that sunshine—along with that water you’ll need plenty of sunscreen, a pair of polarized sunglasses, and a wide-brim hat. Some boats will have Bimini tops or T-tops to provide you with shade, but not all boats do. And even those which do have cover of one sort or another usually don’t shade the entire boat.
Comfortable Life Jackets
Make sure everyone has comfortably fitted life jackets. This goes for adults who plan to wear them all day, but especially for kids who may be required by law to wear one. Cheap, ill-fitting life jackets are anything but comfortable and they can ruin the boating experience. But there are plenty of comfortable models on the market these days and if you get one that fits those tykes properly, they’ll forget they’re even wearing them. Hint: kids love their cartoon characters, so why not get them that Micky Mouse or Spongebob Squarepants edition?
Check the Marine Weather Forecast
Check the marine weather forecast before you go out. It’s easy to get lulled into a sense of security, especially on vacation, when it’s sunny and nice. But sunny and nice can become riddled with lightning bolts and thunder, and you don’t want that to happen when you’re out in the middle of the lake. Note: we say “marine weather forecast” for a reason. Most land-based weather forecasts will show a lower wind speed because winds can build over the water where they aren’t interrupted by trees and buildings. Marine forecasts tend to take factors like this into account, and give you a more accurate idea of just how strong the wind will be and accordingly, just how large the waves will be. If things look iffy, postponing the trip is always a good move.
Visit the Local Tackle Shop
If you plan on fishing, first visit the local tackle shop. Invariably, the people working in tackle shops are dedicated anglers. And since they live in the area, they’ll know the ins and outs of fishing the nearby lakes. Be sure to buy an item or two and strike up a conversation with the person behind the counter. While you can learn a lot from the great and awesome internets, there truly is no substitute for current local knowledge.
Enjoy Your Boating Adventure
Chillax and enjoy yourself. You’ve probably been looking forward to this for a long time, so make the most of the experience and have a great time!
BONUS TIP: How would you like to take that vacation at the lake for free? Sorry, we don’t have any prizes or giveaways for you today. We can point out, however, that if you have a boat of your own you could list it with Boatsetter and make up to $20,000 a year. That will cover a getaway you’ll never forget — boat rental included.
About us
Boatsetter is the leading online marketplace for boat rentals and on-water experiences. Download the Boatsetter app (App Store | Google Play) and follow us on Instagram.

With over three decades of experience in marine journalism, Lenny Rudow has contributed to dozens of boating and fishing publications and websites ranging from BoatU.S. Magazine to Rudow is currently the Angler in Chief at Rudow’s FishTalk, he is a past president of Boating Writers International (BWI), a graduate of the Westlawn School of Yacht Design, and has won numerous BWI and OWAA writing awards.